Thursday 14 May 2015

Kenapa Saiz Pinggang Penting?

Salam adik2 manis..
Hari ni Kak Nora letih superb.g kerja halfday ja pon.lepas tu jemput anak Kak Nora yang darjah 1 tu blk skolah.
Terus kami beraksi mencari hadiah hari guru.pegi kedai bunga,pegi kedai Mr Diy,pegi kedai nasi sup mok su..opssss...hahaha..last skali pegi mydin.sambil berenang sambil tgk ikan kan.hahahaha .

Oleh itu hari ni Kak Nora copy paste je dr kata2 Dr Mercola untuk kita sama2 baca..

Why is Your Waist Size so Important?

As you may know, your waist size is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also a powerful indicator of a build-up of visceral fat, a dangerous type of fat around your internal organs that is strongly linked with type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Your waist size is a far more accurate predictor of your heart risks than even your body mass index (BMI), Your waist size is also a powerful indicator of insulin sensitivity, as studies clearly show that measuring your waist size is one of the most powerful ways to predict your risk for diabetes.

If you want to determine if your waist size is in a healthy range, use a tape measure to figure the distance around the smallest area of your abdomen below your rib cage and above your belly button. Then compare your measurements to this general guide:

For men, between 37 and 40 inches is overweight and more than 40 inches is obese
For women, 31.5-34.6 inches is overweight and more than 34.6 inches is obese
Coconut Oil Shrinks Your Waist Size

When 20 obese men added coconut oil to their diets for four weeks, their waist circumferences got significantly smaller, with a mean reduction of 2.86 cm. Researchers noted:

"[Virgin coconut oil] is efficacious for WC [waist circumference] reduction especially in males and it is safe for use in humans."

A similar 12-week-long study on women, published in the journal Lipids, also found that dietary supplementation with coconut oil may result in a reduction in waist circumference, among other benefits, compared to supplementing with soybean oil. Divided into two groups of 20 participants each, the women received a daily supplement of 30 ml (about two tablespoons) of either soybean oil or coconut oil. They also followed a balanced low-calorie diet, and walked for 50 minutes per day.  The end result?

The coconut oil group presented:

Increased levels of HDL (good cholesterol)
Decreased LDL/HDL ratio
Reduced waist circumference/abdominal obesity

The soybean oil group presented:
Increased total cholesterol
Increased LDL (bad cholesterol)
Increased LDL/HDL ratio
Decreased HDL (good cholesterol)
No reduction in waist circumference/abdominal obesity
Many of coconut oil's benefits may be due to its content of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), also called medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs, rather than the long chain fatty acids found in vegetable oils like soybean oil and animal fats such as lard. The authors concluded:

"It appears that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia [an abnormal amount of cholesterol and/or fat in your blood] and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity."

Abis dah..hahahahaha.
Kak Nora nak tido dulu yea.esok ada hari sukan Tadika Little ones Kubang Kerian kt Padang HUSM.

Adik adik manis yang minat nk tahu ka,nk cuba ka,boleh cari Kak Nora di 019 3426227..
Gudnait jelita semua..

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